Trucks and the Rainstorm | Personal Post

I know we’ve touched on the subject before, but your day just isn’t complete unless you have played with trucks. Especially blue trucks. Bonus points if that blue truck is a mail truck. On this particular day, you got your fill of truck play and then were treated to an epic rainstorm.

You. Freaked. Out.

And then you tried to run into the rain. Lighting and all.

Your mommy and daddy had to quickly struggle to wrangle you back into the garage as you realized ‘drunk’ was falling from the sky and you wanted to go play in it…

Desmond Truck Rainstorm, Meghan Mace Photography, Personal Post Desmond Truck Rainstorm, Meghan Mace Photography, Personal Post Desmond Truck Rainstorm, Meghan Mace Photography, Personal Post Desmond Truck Rainstorm, Meghan Mace Photography, Personal Post Desmond Truck Rainstorm, Meghan Mace Photography, Personal Post Desmond Truck Rainstorm, Meghan Mace Photography, Personal Post Desmond Truck Rainstorm, Meghan Mace Photography, Personal Post

Trucks and the Rainstorm | Personal Post