Mason 3 Months Old | Michigan Baby Photographer

Where did the last three months go? I feel like Mr. Mason was just in here for his newborn photos and now, bam, he’s back for his 3 month photos. These babies seem to be growing older faster and faster. Slow down! Not that I mind taking pictures of this super cutie. Mr. Mason was nothing but smiles for his 3 month milestone session. All he needed were a few tickles from momma and a quick game of peek-a-boo from behind the camera. I had a hard time narrowing down my favorites, but here they are. Take a look…

Mason Tyson 3 Months, Michigan Baby Photographer, Rochester Michigan Baby Photographer, Meghan Mace Photography Mason Tyson 3 Months, Michigan Baby Photographer, Rochester Michigan Baby Photographer, Meghan Mace Photography Mason Tyson 3 Months, Michigan Baby Photographer, Rochester Michigan Baby Photographer, Meghan Mace Photography Mason Tyson 3 Months, Michigan Baby Photographer, Rochester Michigan Baby Photographer, Meghan Mace Photography Mason Tyson 3 Months, Michigan Baby Photographer, Rochester Michigan Baby Photographer, Meghan Mace Photography

Mason 3 Months Old | Michigan Baby Photographer